Tag: Game Design

  • On Tailoring Movesets For Rivals | Beneath The Ledge

    On Tailoring Movesets For Rivals | Beneath The Ledge

    Since there are no ledge-grabs in Rivals of Aether, a low-recovery situation means that players have to force their way over the ledge with nothing but wall-jumps, wall-techs and an air-dodge to protect them. This works surprisingly well in the base game – but over the length of Rivals Workshop’s lifetime, I’ve started to consider…

  • On Tailoring Movesets For Rivals | Less Time Wasted

    On Tailoring Movesets For Rivals | Less Time Wasted

    It’s no secret that stalling and zoning characters are the ire of a lot of fighting game communities, and that has been no different in the Rivals Workshop scene. At the time of writing this post, I have created a defensive grappler-like character and a full projectile-based zoner, and co-created a character who is a…

  • On Making Game-Bots Considerate

    So. Ranting is fun. Sharing ideas is great. Since starting dev work on PMDiscord, I’ve gathered more things I’d like to share than I have the time to write — and with the advent of PMDiscord getting a Patreon page, I’ve now got an even bigger incentive to start. Though it’s my first step into…

  • Tackling the Meta: PKMN Stats and Abilities

    Another of the goals in designing PMDiscord – and one of the biggest differences between it and main-series games – was to make every monster in the game be a viable choice to play as. In the main series, this had been less of a concern; The PvE focus meant that each monster encountered was…

  • Making Mystery Dungeon Battles Less Like Mystery Dungeon Battles

    In my last design post, I outlined how PMDiscord’s battles switch between a close-and-personal, ‘Engaged’ state and a far-away, ‘Retreated’ state. If you’ve ever looked at Pokken Tournament, it plays out something like that… Actually, it’s a whole lot like that. Just picture several monsters on a field throwing all kinds of projectiles at each…

  • A New Kind of PKMN Battle!

    So, at its core, PMDiscord was a result of me beating the story of PMD: Explorers of Sky and thinking, “this could have been a lot more challenging! And the AI sucks! What if I could have the friends I named my teammates after play as them instead?” Pretty humble, right? The story kept me…